ACH Blocks and Filters
Did you know?
To protect your business, fraudulent activity taking place on your business account(s) must be reported to Bank Five Nine no later than the business day after the transaction posts to your account.
Rest Assured:
With the implementation of ACH Blocks and Filters, Bank Five Nine offers added protection by focusing on transactions run throughout the ACH system.
How it works:
You provide Bank Five Nine with a list of companies authorized to debit your accounts. The ACH filtering software will compare any incoming ACH debits to your authorized list. Any ACH debits not on the list are considered exceptions. When an exception is detected, the bank sends you an email alerting you of the exception, and providing you the option to pay or return the exception(s).
Need a little more information, or ready to get started? Give us a shout!
Morgan Dornfeldt
Cash Management Advisor
(262) 560-6365
Email Morgan