Throughout the month of April (and start of May), Bank Five Nine employees celebrated Community Banking Month and Power of Community Week by “paying it forward” to local citizens and organizations in the communities we serve! From dropping off flowers to local nursing homes, donating time and supplies to local animal shelters, surprising customers with free lunch, buying coffee for patrons of a community coffee shop, providing meals to local fire and police departments, to delivering surprises to hospital patients and staff, Bank Five Nine had a lot of fun demonstrating the commitment we have to our communities through many random acts of kindness! If you have a moment, we encourage you to scroll through the photos (maybe even get a few ideas yourself to do a random act of kindness!)
Making Lives Better Through Random Acts Contest
If someone has made your life better in the recent past, make sure to comment on the pinned Bank Five Nine’s Facebook page monthly contest post! We want to encourage kindness and positivity in our communities, so we’re asking you to share how someone has made your life better recently! It could be something big or small, as long as it has made a positive impact on your day! (Even as simple as someone holding the door open for you on your way out of a coffee shop. ) At the end of each month, we’ll select a winner from the comment section and ‘treat’ them for sharing! We will pin this post to the top of our page, so be sure to check it out and share the love throughout the month. Click here to get to our Bank Five Nine Facebook Page.