Achieve Checking For Bridge Builders

Our mission is to Make Lives Better. That includes helping our customers make their financial lives better. Achieve is a unique paperless product for customers looking to either establish themselves financially, or who are in need of a second chance. Financial hardships and lack of financial management skills can have a strong impact on your finances and we want to help! Certified through BankOn, a platform sponsored by the CFE Fund (Cities for Financial Empowerment), this account is designed specifically to help you Achieve financial freedom.

Receive these great benefits with your Achieve Checking account*
  • $25 minimum to open, then no minimum balance requirement
  • Access to hundreds of fee-free ATMs
  • eStatements
  • FREE online banking
  • FREE online bill pay
  • FREE mobile banking with check deposit



We will donate $25 for each new Achieve Checking account opened to Bridge Builders, a local, nonprofit that inspires inner-city innovation that will holistically transform neighborhoods one block at a time.

Open your account online today, or contact us for more information!

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Visit Our Mequon Branch

What You’ll Need To Open Your Account

Financial Literacy Tools

*Minimum deposit to open Achieve Checking account is $25.00. Monthly fee of $5.00 applies. The Achieve Checking account prohibits check writing. Debits on the account are made through the use of a debit card, consumer/mobile banking or bill pay. This account receives electronic eStatements.