ACH Return Reference Guide
An ACH return is an ACH entry that the Receiving Depository Financial Institution (RDFI) is unable to post for reasons defined by the return codes listed in the table below. Notification of return items will be emailed to all ACH users.
R01 | Insufficient Funds | May reintiate the ACH transaction for a total of 3 presentments within 180 days of the settlement date of the original entry. Please see Reinitiating Returned ACH Debit Items for steps to reinitiate the transaction. |
R02** | Account Closed | Must stop initiation of transaction. Contact Receiver to obtain authorization for another account. |
R03** | No Account | Must stop initiation of entries. Contact Receiver to obtain authorization for another account. |
R04** | Invalid Account | Must stop initiation of entries until account number is corrected. |
R05* | Unauthorized Debit to a Consumer Account Using Corporate SEC Code | Must stop initiation of entries. |
R07* | Authorization Revoked | Must stop initiation of entries until new consumer authorization is obtained. |
R08** | Payment Stopped | Must contact the Receiver to identify the reason for the Stop Payment and determine if the entry should be stopped permanently. |
R09 | Uncollected Funds | May reinitiate the ACH entry for a total of 3 presentments within 180 days of the settlement date of the original entry. Please see Reinitiating Returned ACH Debit Items for steps to reinitiate the transaction. |
R10* | Customer Advises Originator is NOT Known to the Receiver and/or Originator is Not Authorized to Debit Receiver’s Account | Must stop initiation of entries. |
R11* | Customer Advises Entry Not in Accordance with the Terms of the Authorization | May reinitiate the ACH entry within 60 days of original settlement date of the original entry. Please see Reinitiating Returned ACH Debit Items for steps to reinitiate the transaction. |
R16 | Account Frozen | Must stop initiation of entries. |
R20 | Non-Transaction Account | Must stop initiation of entries. |
R29* | Corporate Advises Not Authorized | Must stop initiation of entries until new authorization has been obtained |
*Unauthorized ACH fee will be assessed, as stated in our current fee schedule.
**A fee may be assessed for failure to respond to notice of changes as stated in our current fee schedule.